Launch Music Tracker

This is version master-036fd660-106 (built 2024-09-09 06:15:08)

Hello! Are you trying out the new Music Tracker for the first time?

Welcome to the new Music Tracker!

If you are about to launch the new Music Tracker for the first time, please take a minute to set things up first by following the instructions below.

How do I run it?

You need to install the application Open Webstart on your computer. Please follow the instructions for your operating system below to install Open Webstart.


  1. Download and install Open Webstart to your computer.
  2. Once installed, you should have an application called OpenWebStart Settings (or similar) installed on your machine.
  3. Follow the instructions outlined below in how do I configure it?


  1. Download and install Open Webstart to your computer.
  2. Once installed, you should have an application called OpenWebStart Settings (or similar) installed on your machine.
  3. Follow the instructions outlined below in how do I configure it?

How do I configure it?

Once you have downloaded and installed Open Webstart, you need to make sure that your settings are all good.

  1. Open the application OpenWebStart Settings (or similar) which you have installed on your machine.
  2. Navigate to JVM Manager > Settings and make sure your settings align with the following settings (also displayed on the image below) :
    1. Update strategy: Always download newer version
    2. Default update server URL:
    3. Uncheck Allow server from JNLP file
    4. Vendor: Any vendor
    5. Check Vendor from the JNLP file should take precedence over the vendor specified above
    6. Delete unused JVMs from local cache after: 90 days
  3. Click OK to finish, and close the OpenWebStart Settings application.
  4. You are now ready to launch the Music Tracker.

Note! The first time you launch the Music Tracker, you may see multiple progress bars. This is normal. The OpenWebStart application will download the correct Java version to your computer, as well as download the Music Tracker application. The first time this happens, it may take a few minutes.